Friday, 29 June 2012

X-Men Destiny can discover few things from DC universe online

X-Men Destiny can discover few things from DC universe online
I was just checking through the website regarding X-Men Destiny and notice this game DC universe online that customizable hero and villain options over internet. I’m not big fan of DC universe online at all, but this is so cool how they go into extreme deep specify. Now, picture this the whole thing swap out for Marvel X-Men That might be not a hundred percent I disgust to do it, but X-Men Destiny might be taught a little things from their competitor I love Marvel it just this I can’t digest There is a 3 part video on the internet , check them all you will know what I am saying


Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2,060
Re: X-Men Destiny can discover few things from DC universe online
I know about that 3 part video, all they have is so as to small teaser trailer and by now we have people be fond of you making crazy supposition that it isn’t going to be as good. the character customization . I am not with you on this what I think is this Activision and Marvel is making extremely embarrassed to DC Universe Online X-Men Destiny has a lot of scheme adjoining it previously. Will you generate your own hero Will you manage your fortune all through There’s a Hero Headquarters association so that you can remain by hand informed on all things X-Men Destiny.

I’m a huge admirer of the X-Men and I’ve enjoy the Marvel Ultimate Alliance games. And you must know that I totally appreciated X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I’m eager about possibly make my own vision of an X-Men hero! Is it my DNA so as to will shape my hero destiny I’m absolutely eager to see what X-Men Destiny . And with Silicon Knights at the wheel do. I can say DC universe online could learn from THIS game


Join Date: Nov 2008
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Re: X-Men Destiny can discover few things from DC universe online
For what I can understand he didn’t precisely said that the X-Men Destiny character customization will not be good He didn’t utter a one thing about it being bad yet sure, DC universe online be supposed to be a influence on how the character is created in this game I like what they’re contribution to the extent that character creation is concerned



Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 2,624
Re: X-Men Destiny can discover few things from DC universe online
I do not wish for to pay to play Money make the world go round it’s not fair that u need to purchase the game and then pay to play it online and The character conception in DC universe online looks unmatched. Base on that little video I would almost certainly be pleased if they had something very similar for X-Men Destiny. I akin to the truth that you can remain changing your character all through the game and you’re not just stuck with whatever you picked at first and DC universe online is doing a neat thing where, as you development, your costume levels up (if you want it to) until you have a more iconic appearance and they even give you the option of eventually branding yourself with one of the JL’s famous insignias, like the Superman S or Batsymbol, depending on who your guide was I wish we start in classic X-uni’s and acquire to level up and boost them with little tap here and there then shift onto a more serious appear, but still an X-uni of sorts but by the finish, I want a wholly custom look, from top to bottom something like how you make outfits on Heromachine= layering the whole thing from the skin out, permiting you to make custom shapes and use the given pieces in different ways than everybody besides

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