For steam trading auction house is needed
Presently trading steam has no way of trade with the less will organize foreign trade, and after that arrange a time when both are in line for trade. I would like this situation changed so that you can find other people to trade and trade with them, but never get online at the same time as them. Yet if they do not distribute a language with you, the good way to do this would be to implement an auction house. The auction purchaser selects and chosen how much to spend on it. If you want to pay the purchase price, you click purchase now. Or else, enter the maximum you are willing to bid, and that the total amount is taken from their gold (which can not happen twice). The automatic bid ensures that its offer will automatically increase as the supply of other players in it, so its supply is still the winning bid up to offer but your maximum bid. If the player is exceeded, the gold offered to have the auction is returned. If the player wins with a bid lower than their maximum bid, the difference is returned to him. The player can choose to cancel your bid. This would remove him from not having the Present highest bid, but it means that the proxy does not increase its bid more if other people else offers. The difference between the Present and the proxy is returned to him. When the auction is completed, the purchaser receives the items listed; the seller receives the winning bid, minus sales tax.
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Re: For steam trading auction house is needed
In my opinion the money should be kept simple for the operator and therefore must be preserved as the amount of cash, plus the remains after that only have to work against Euros probably also less work for Valve. While I had his head buried in the market ahead of time does not know if I would have something similar to steam, which certainly makes it less sociable.
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 517
Re: For steam trading auction house is needed
With real cash for this have some problems: first it requires an installation of valves in some way to transfer money from one person to another. With all the bank security required, and all expenses required security. Secondly to say nothing of the laws governing real auctions. Remember that the valve will have to meet them in several countries. But if the currency is virtual, and the valve is not exchanged for cash, after that those laws do not apply. Third Imagine other people purchase s something through a credit card stolen, sold commercially, and after that removed the cash. I was put in his pocket, valve, or the person who bought the game? With a virtual currency, there is less incentive for the thief, and the valve has no problem in just creating more to restore the purchase era. The transaction fees are the fourth is going to be nasty to a lot of small transactions. How long is a piece of scrap value TF2 U.S. dollar? Fifth third parties are allowed to benefit from it. This means that attract the kind of people who sell gold in the MMO which is explicitly prohibited. Along with all the nasty things they bring. Keep the virtual, and have no economic incentive to come, so stay away.
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 552
Re: For steam trading auction house is needed
The cash idea is good too. Easier to implement the auction house with cash from a mix of games and articles. Players who receive cash may not withdraw the cash, but credit counts as a catalog of Steam.
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Re: For steam trading auction house is needed
In a trading post, you need to find other people who want your item and have items you want and are willing to part with them. After that you start neglecting , which will take days, if the other person only records a few hours a day in the middle of the night, and you only get a message from him every day. Basically, you have a barter economy. The players do not like barter economies to the point at which a currency will settle, if developers do not offer. As they have done in TF2, like what happens in Guild Wars with the purchase / sell more gold a character can negotiate at a time. Since the goods traded in a trading post are not divisible, can not be taxed, i.e. the trading post can not be used as a sink to prevent inflation. In addition, how to judge whether an offer you do is fair or not?
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Re: For steam trading auction house is needed
Thinking a little more about this idea the auction house. A filter that I like is being able to find the elements better than my Present inventory. I'm always improving my weapons in the game, improving the fans. I have little interest in the lower specification items than I have today. Also, if you put an item up for auction, I imagine that people would be able to fill several boxes with their offerings, adding a combination of games, objects, and credits of steam. And after that I just go through each offer rejected until you get one that excites me.
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Re: For steam trading auction house is needed
For an auction house to work there must be a common currency to run the auctions in. Players must be able to convert that currency to and from the currency in the game of any game they are playing. And from the auction house will be handling only players presently trading trade vapor.
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Re: For steam trading auction house is needed
Cash does not cause problems because the value of an element of the real world. You really purchase ing in bulk for trade with regret? And with the Present system means that people are most likely going to keep the contacts you have used before the trade, communication makes people that steam has been more and more about. What was good on the day before the purchase in the market or purchasing contracts?
Join Date: May 2008
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Re: For steam trading auction house is needed
With the auction house, which put a point and players can only offer one thing in return: The coin auction house. Therefore, the only difference between each one offers to players is the amount of money offered. Since any trader in their right mind accept the offer of who offers more money, the auction house server can collect for you. This means two things: When people are overcome, you are informed immediately and the currency supply is unlocked for use elsewhere. When the auction ends with a winner, the transaction takes place immediately.
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