Any difference in Rise of Immortals in comparison to other MOBAs
I was interested in the ROI, because first, Petroglyph utilized to be Westwood, who intended Command and Conquer. I was as well interested in a new MOBA that would be noticeably unique evaluated to other games. Yes, this is as well a finely veiled attempt to see if there is a new mechanic I have to learn in advance.
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Re: Any difference in Rise of Immortals in comparison to other MOBAs
It utilizes the theory of persistent leveling which permits the player to utilize discipline trees to perk up their character. It as well has unrelenting items; for example, the tonics that add to your persistent skill earned in a match.
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Re: Any difference in Rise of Immortals in comparison to other MOBAs
Persistent leveling is all character, does not count. This means that if Vezin game to level 20, and then move to Tzai, Tzai be level 1. Vezin will still be level 20. This means that the competitive classes are encouraged to specialize in one or two immortals instead of trying to play everything - As the tournament was, playing Immortals are not familiar with can make you lose a match, even if the composition is strong and the players are experts. Level of persistence is an approximation of the amount of time the player has sunk in learning that particular immortal.
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Re: Any difference in Rise of Immortals in comparison to other MOBAs
The map is bigger. This makes it risky and ganking means you need to coordinate more than usual for one to achieve, however, also means spreading too easy ganking is making more profitable and more likely to succeed. The map size has an impact on other areas, in particular the following.
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Re: Any difference in Rise of Immortals in comparison to other MOBAs
Supplies come in two variants, in the early game and late game. Unlike most games where supplies are strictly for the beginning and remain as things heat up, return on investment has a lot of consumer goods that are only useful at the end of the game and can tilt the balance in favor of the team that knows how to use them. Last Chance Salves relocation and Rolls are the most popular of these. The various potions and elixirs amateur statistics are particularly useful as they persist through death unless otherwise indicated.
Keep in mind it's a beta game, not a completed product. There will be bugs, there will be hinders, there will be unforeseen glitches. Don't get aggravated!
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Re: Any difference in Rise of Immortals in comparison to other MOBAs
The truth that towers are burly is offset by the truth that they have an amazing tendency to follow seemingly no targeting rules at all.
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Re: Any difference in Rise of Immortals in comparison to other MOBAs
Pushing is much more difficult than in other games. Torres is no joke, even at the end from the. They end up with thousands of points and can hit a shuttle van, which makes them dangerous for the tank. The creeping waves are rare, slow-moving, take time to cross the huge map, and can be erased by a good season from a Vezin, Netheurgist, or Lazarus, thus pushing down the towers very difficult. Usually a person will become the tower-tank designated for the team can get more easily towers.
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Re: Any difference in Rise of Immortals in comparison to other MOBAs
That bothers me honestly. Instead of keeping the focus on one person (the first run) in a dive, only moves around a model that targets have not yet reached (not sure if you follow the "closest to the tower" to usually used for the first goal), which is super annoying when playing teams who abuse this prefabricated.
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Re: Any difference in Rise of Immortals in comparison to other MOBAs
The just good thing is that the "progressive" the damage is still the next target, so the next targets will continue to get hit more and more each time, not that it matters much because people just know how to get focus so much turret at the end achieved nothing at all. I do not see why not do it just to keep the focus on the primary objective as it hits so hard that tower does not matter that the first objective is, even if it is a super tanky Scorpix probably not survive more than 6 hits.
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Re: Any difference in Rise of Immortals in comparison to other MOBAs
I was talking more about diving solo tail that almost always end up dying because they are beaten 4-5 turret without realizing the insane amount of dmg it, but his message is also valid, any idea if PG is thinking of redoing the behavior of the towers when it comes to focusing?
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