Saturday, 30 June 2012

Cannot execute the Autorun file of FIFA 12 game

Cannot execute the Autorun file of FIFA 12 game
I have recently downloaded FIFA 12 game in my computer and after that I have installed this game in my computer and after installing the game in my computer when I try to execute the autorun file of FIFA12 at that time it doesn’t work. Please tell me how to fix this issue.


Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 146
Re: Cannot execute the Autorun file of FIFA 12 game
According to me you should first open the FIFA12_EU folder and after opening that folder you have to try to run the EASetup.exe and after that it will open the dialogue box. Now after that you have to click on the play button and after that check whether you are able to launch the game or not.


Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 73
Re: Cannot execute the Autorun file of FIFA 12 game
According to me this type of problem occurs when antivirus software in your computer or firewall in your computer block the file execution and to solve this problem you have to first disable the antivirus and firewall after that try to play the game and after hat check whether you are able to play the game or not. if you are not facing the problem after disabling the antivirus and firewall then you have to open the antivirus and remove the game file from the block list also do the same with firewall.

If the above solution does not help you to solve this issue then you have to try to solve this issue by reinstalling the FIF12 game in your computer. first you have to uninstall the game and after that you have to reboot the computer and after rebooting the computer you have to install the FIFA 12 game again and after installing the game again you have to check whether you are able to launch the game or not.

Fred Fruax

Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 147
Re: Cannot execute the Autorun file of FIFA 12 game
Well according to me you should download the fresh FIFA 12 again from the internet and after that you have to remove the installed game from your computer and after removing the game from your computer you have to install the newly downloaded game in your computer and then your problem might get solved. I am telling you this solution because some time due to corrupt installation also this type of problem can take place.


Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 113
Re: Cannot execute the Autorun file of FIFA 12 game
I will first suggest you to instead of reinstalling the game you should first try to solve this problem running the file as administrator in your computer and after that check whether you are getting the same problem or not. I am not sure about this but it may be helpful for you.


Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 511
Re: Cannot execute the Autorun file of FIFA 12 game
To run the game as a administrator you have to follow this steps.
first you have to go to the folder where you have save the Autorun file.
After that you have to right click on that file.
now you have to select the run as administrator option.
After selecting the run as administrator option you have to enter the password in you have set the password otherwise game will launch after clicking on OK.


Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 147
Re: Cannot execute the Autorun file of FIFA 12 game
I have referred your solution and after referring your solution I have first try to fix this issue by reinstalling the game and after that I came to know that my McAfee antivirus was blocking this and after that I have change the setting and after changing the setting my problem get solved. thank you for helping me.

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