Saturday, 30 June 2012

Why there are LF players in Rise of Immortals?

Why there are LF players in Rise of Immortals?
Well I love to do video gaming on the computer of mine. I have installed Rise of Immortals on the computer of mine. Well I am not able to figure out why there is so few players who are playing this particular game. I have seen maximum 15 to 20 people who are playing this particular game. Let me know if you are aware of any of the possible reason to fix the matter of mine. I am waiting for the prompt replies of yours. Thanks a lot in advance.

Dinkar P

Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 199
Re: Why there are LF players in Rise of Immortals?
Looking at the thing which you have mentioned over here I am let you know that it is a beta version of the hence there will be really less people who are not aware of this particular game.

Robin Pande

Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 216
Re: Why there are LF players in Rise of Immortals?
Yes you are absolutely right this particular game is a beta version of the game hence there will be lots of bugs into the game. also this particular game is seems to be compete with MOBA games such as LoN. Also there are lots of people who are wanted to play the MOBA games.

Bejan Daroowala

Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 219
Re: Why there are LF players in Rise of Immortals?
I let you know that the Low level ranges are not populated. You can also think that the problem might be matching and you should consider the newbie are outside the level range of the average beta tester who is seems to be 20s. if they are supposed to get the match against of the level folks and the newer players are inevitably the more experienced beta testers. There should be sense of the fair competition for the new players.


Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 3,970
Re: Why there are LF players in Rise of Immortals?
There should be lots of League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth. The smaller and really less known titles are having the year of the development on RoI and DOTA 2 is simply rolling out with the Valve hype machine into the nearby future. If the new players are supposed to find out any bugs from the game. this particular game is not well known because there is not enough advertisement is done by the developer of the game. if they developer of the game is supposed is doing enough advertisement than I am wondering that there will be increase in the people who are wanted to play the game.


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Re: Why there are LF players in Rise of Immortals?
I have found that there a new players who are not able to get the decent game. they are able to get the PvP game and they are extremely handicapped through the persistent level and player experience.


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Re: Why there are LF players in Rise of Immortals?
Yesterday night I have found number of people who are wanted to play 5v5 together. Also found some of the friends who has played the game at the low level. They have ended exactly as you can expect since each and everyone with the other team and their signs while. It will be quite difficult to play the game with the new players for the good matches under of the following conditions and it will make the people lots of frustrate.


Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2,611
Re: Why there are LF players in Rise of Immortals?
I remembered one thing that is most of the characters are unlocked into the trail version of the game. so you can mind the changes which you can find into the game.


Join Date: Jun 2009
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Re: Why there are LF players in Rise of Immortals?
In this particular game I wanted to tell you that single character will cost of 2500 coins. The maximum chances 5v5 matches win will give you 80 coins and typical duration for the match will be of the 40 minutes. So you will require to play 32 wins in the game so that you can unlock the single character. It means that it will require 20 hours of the gameplay. There might be losing of the matches into the game which will lengthen the time of the unlocking the character.

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