Need something new with the steam Achievements
You know you have the Achievements system was going to say when you unlock an Achievements really is no point in it. So I was thinking about the next update will add a scoring player, or some, like the scores of the players on Xbox 360 that comes with the Achievements s so that when you open an Achievements that will show a result or something to that can show off your player with your friends. I thought we could put the Achievements of good use.
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Re: Need something new with the steam Achievements
How to add scoreless useless achievements? It would be nice to have added more than the Achievements s in the community page of a person so we can see the number of someone who just reviewed quickly.
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Re: Need something new with the steam Achievements
Achievements are useless because they don't make sense. They have no sense because they are interesting. An Achievement should not award the game and the performance of tasks already beset. However, they should encourage experimentation and exploration game levels. As long as there are Achievement s like "kill enemies insert a common number can be found in the game here> 'exists, there can be a point in their Achievement. An example is Fallout NV. You get the Achievement of doing primary missions. Seriously what the hell? That is already required to do. What if I get some advice on my epic journey in which he is a hero or a villain to the sacred and profane to suspect or innocent victims could be found in the game? And they must all be hidden. Do that and I will grant you are pretty stupid? Again the axes of the experiment. But of course, this will never happen and what I'm talking about here will be buried in the dust-ion spuf database.
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Re: Need something new with the steam Achievements
To be honest, these Achievement s are there only for mining purposes, "who finished the game," "how many people took this path", "where people had more difficulty," they would be there so much he " The Achievement of a purpose, "the programmer to add, as they provide unbiased information on the game without any communication clever invisible line between the game and the developer. Also, no, I really do not think they need more encouragement to the people who run games of skill and how to play seriously.
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Re: Need something new with the steam Achievements
If you think that games do not make sense I respect your opinion but I disagree, the games are a form of art and entertainment and therefore have a very real and important purpose. What I think it's crazy to think that the games are so universally important, not as a form of entertainment but as a personal skill that you can actually boast of having a "major player score" and that having spent more time in games that makes you a better, smarter, additional complicated person than not. I really do not believe that this line of thoughts should be encouraged. Remember that we are not talking about the Achievements s (against which I have nothing), but on the player scoring systems, as they only serve to brag about them more easily.
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Re: Need something new with the steam Achievements
Some of you are surprisingly threatened by the idea of a player score. I liked the idea when Microsoft came up with it and I like now. Perhaps the vapor should not emphasize the score as the Xbox did not, but there are ways to steam could further improve the Achievements s are displayed in a profile. We currently do not have as big a role as I would like to view.
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Re: Need something new with the steam Achievements
The Achievements s is interesting to me and always tries to go after them. I did not even see if a game has Achievements s in making purchasing decisions. Other than that, I would have to agree with some points outlined above. They have to try to make smart gains / significant. I mean, well, that were given to complete the basic parts of the game does have a purpose much less looking at the overall Achievements s page and see how many people have come to what level of compliance. Sometimes it offers interesting things ... as a game I was looking for that (I forget which) that only 65% had completed the 1st level. This means that 35% have bought, but never actually played the title?
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Re: Need something new with the steam Achievements
Personally I love the way Steam has managed to establish. For Xbox gamers, gamerscore is basically the measure of time, and the number of games played. It is by no means a calculate of ability. My friend has a 10k gamerscore, although it has something like 150 games. The steam is produced to balance every individual game. No total score. But I at rest experience like Achievements s do not mean something. There are lots of wonderful easy and wonderful Achievements s are ambitious instant that are not in the specific list of epic things to do that one last probably can not happen in any game ever, but I think that illustrates my point.
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Re: Need something new with the steam Achievements
I would be the primary to confess that the achievements of Xbox and PS3 trophy are a giant covenant in my game each day, and exaggerated by the method of play significantly. For example, I utilized to play in both Easy and Normal complexity, while no reason to test me with the hard mode. Now most of the games recommend extra points for the achievement of finishing the game on harder complexity and I'm more than willing to go that extra mile for another 100G.
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Re: Need something new with the steam Achievements
I don't care too much about Steam Achievements; I care a lot about my 360 Achievements s though. One thing that I would like to see for Steam Achievements s is some sort of noise being played when you have unlocked one. TF2 has cheering (which is great), but that's the only instance I know of where sound is played. As it is at the moment, it's just sort of there. It windows without any fanfare and then disappears.
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Re: Need something new with the steam Achievements
Another issue in the auction house to deal with is the issue of trust. Once the auction house has been taken and all the bugs squashed, the valve to do for you what he has done for every person that uses it. No matter if the person you are negotiating with the most trustworthy person or at least worthy of trust, using the auction house because it will force the honesty of them.
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Re: Need something new with the steam Achievements
The following steps should be taken. First, 'Rate of steam ", which is currently based on the number of hours I've played in the last two weeks (and is another feature useless) should be replaced by a performance score, depending on how the many accomplishments of a player has unlocked. In this way friends can visit your Steam profile and see how you are qualified. valve is needed to encourage larger developers Steam achievements to include with their games. It would be absurd to ask all individual developers to include achievements, as this can put small indie companies release their games through Steam. However, the huge steam emissions occur at all times, and each of these achievements should come with no exceptions.
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