Friday, 29 June 2012

How to Fix JRPG Bug

How to Fix JRPG Bug
I have just started playing the Japanese role-playing game (JRPG) games and I have observe that some games immobile conform to the standards that were suitable on consoles that are now two or three generations older. Can anyone suggest me how to fix The Japanese role-playing game (JRPG) in video game, I have tried to get the information but I dint got the enough of information and so therefore I posted mine topic here. Can anyone help on this topic, thanks in advance.


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re: How to Fix JRPG Bug
Can you imagine living in the world in a JRPG? People just have one thing to say. Everything seems sterile and static. No one moves a lot; do not care if you are driving through their houses or boxes. There are only a couple of convenience stores that have something for sale, and for some reason the products are priced higher, the household is away. One of the great successes of the Bethesda games like Fallout 3, is that the worlds come alive. They seem to have lived in. People act as if they had genuine precedence. React with each other, but - more importantly - they react to you. People do not need to be redesigned to simulate Western RPGs. If they did, some of the charms of JRPGs would be lost. It is time, however, that the people of JRPGs for an update.


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re: How to Fix JRPG Bug
That almost saved the world from destruction. All that remains is to run through this dungeon past and face the ultimate evil. But first, you and your group of unlikely heroes who fight all the bosses that they face in the last 50 hours the value of the games ... again. There are easy ways to add 10 or 20 hours at a role-playing experience. Recycle fights or dungeons. Make the game grind his way to an arbitrary level before the player can win. The strength of character to step back through the battlefields filled with random encounters. We call these things "filler" and have no place in a JRPG. Nobody remembers them. Nobody likes it. No one expects of them. All you can really do is turn a player outside the genre.


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re: How to Fix JRPG Bug
Invest in Presentation will Fix JRPGs anyone familiar with the JRPG player, immediately, what we like to call "talking cardboard cutout." These classical mechanics portraits of the characters superimposed on the screen and display a dialog box below, which effectively eliminates the need for developers to animate sprites or models of the characters. This technique is getting old fast. With Western RPGs implement fully animated, interactive dialogue sequences (see Mass Effect and Dragon Age), players have come to expect more production value when it comes to a history of RPG. Developers can not cut corners. If the budget is a concern and a study, can not afford to introduce each section of dialogue in a movie, why not reach a unique way of telling the story? The cardboard figure of speech is not a necessity - it's a crutch.


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re: How to Fix JRPG Bug
One of the most important elements of the traditional JRPG was exploring the world map. After all, there was nothing as liberating as the key acquisition of its first airship and into the sky, flying over mountains and vast oceans expanding with a world to explore. Although some JRPGs still attempt to maintain this broad structure, many have been tragically limited. Players often nudged from point A to point B with almost no freedom to explore. Japanese developers only to look at the popularity of games open worlds are very much appreciated by the players. Yes, a JRPG can still have a linear story, but the linear quality need not extend in the game.


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re: How to Fix JRPG Bug
You've all seen before, a revision that includes the legendary line "terrible voice acting" somewhere in the text. Many JRPGs suffer from this problem, and although this issue could be the result of a simple lack of funds from the location, there is a much greater concern are: differences between U.S. and Japanese culture. In Japanese animation, games and more childish, shrill voices are as common as sophisticated and comfortable toilets. But that kind of vocal style is alien in the United States. This does not mean it does not work in Japan, but when an American voice actor or actress attempts to mimic the same style in a different language and culture that does not sound natural. It may require more effort in the localization process, but the editors of what most Japanese RPGs should try to better match real character personalities to fit a Western audience. Unless you are going to follow the Japanese voice track and subtitles (which is an option quite welcome), some changes must be made.


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re: How to Fix JRPG Bug
Games like Diablo and Border recently published have shown that players love to play online with others. Even more telling is that the success of these titles is the popularity of MMOs and rage of household recognition now that World of Warcraft has so easily. JRPGs need to learn from these design philosophies and incorporate online elements.


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re: How to Fix JRPG Bug
Many of us grew up with Japanese RPGs and have a head full of happy memories of staying up all night, maybe a particular dungeon or grinding the road to victory. On the way ... we have grown. Carefree youth summer full of laziness and nothing more than a book report to distract has given way to life with real responsibilities. While a cell four hours, without an option to save may have been OK once, and perhaps even increase the tension because it is not. We must be able to start and stop our game in our spare time. We must be able to get away from a game and not have to leave a running system (Think of the environment) for fear of losing hours worth of progress. Save our game every time you want. Then throw in some checkpoints in case, just in case we forget to make use of that freedom.


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Re: How to Fix JRPG Bug
Control systems: Kick It Up a Notch is important to solve this problem. Although the story, characters and musical scores are very important elements to the equation of JRPG, the absolute center of expertise lies in the battle system. Players will spend most of their time playing the fight against all kinds of monsters and villains, so that the battle system has to be refined and fun. Unfortunately, a number of JRPGs have been based largely on tradition and simple dry "Attack, Magic, Item, defend" dynamic we've seen in decades. This is simply not enough. A battle system that prides itself needs a good hook - something that set it apart from its peers. Think Final Fantasy VI Magicite: a JRPG battles need to do so funny, he is eager to find another enemy. It's been a while since I've felt that way.

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