Sunday, 12 June 2011

Blizzard introduces new Account

Blizzard, his portal renew. Who will a Blizzard game to
play, a account. This applies not only for future games
such as Starcraft II and Diablo III, but also for the popular World of

The U.S. developer Blizzard Entertainment would revitalize.
The portal is now used for online play old games like Blizzard
Warcraft III, Diablo II and Starcraft. Blizzard wants the potential of
the portal, however, expand and make mandatory registration to to anyone having a game of the developer plays. This
obligation applies not only to all future games from the studio, but
also to the MMO World of Warcraft, the current draw of the developer.

The new options that will provide Blizzard would not
release too much. But the company says that the communication between
account holders will be improved, even if they play different games.
How this work will, however, is unknown.

The account data will in future serve as login information
for all Blizzard games. Even World of Warcraft players, who now have
nothing to do with, will therefore in future have to create
an account to the MMO to login. Who various WoW accounts, they must
combine in a single account. After logging can be set with
any WoW account is played.

It is striking that the existing Blizzard players of
Warcraft III, Diablo II and Starcraft in its present form late
survival. Who only plays these old games, then the transition to the
new version is not it. Who both old and new games to play the old
games will be a separate account for the classic version of the site
continue. In this version of, players can organize matches
against each other and the ranking of players kept.

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