Advantages and Disadvantage of Facebook TimeLine
Hello friends i have a question regarding Facebook Timeline. As now a day almost everyone have a Facebook account and as I have noticed almost many of the users have added TimeLine in their account. But I have not added it yet but thinking to apply it in my profile also but before that I would like to know from those people who have already applied TimeLine feature in their account. What are the Pros and Cons of Facebook TimeLine?
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Chopfyt Chopfyt is offline
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Re: Advantages and Disadvantage of Facebook TimeLine
Benefits of using Facebook TimeLine:
1. The cover photo
Instead on welcome pages and unnecessarily long profile pictures in your sidebar now get a good cover photo for your page up. It lets you page a beautiful style give in without a cluttered Facebook page expires. I also think that the cover photo is a wonderful opportunity to entertain your fans regularly with beautiful images around.
2. Image-Based: More attention for photos
Messages are larger and photographs play a prominent role. You can every day post a picture you want on your fanpage.
3. Direct interaction: Easier send private messages to fans
Thus web care easier and relationship with fans (hopefully) a bit more personal.
4. More attention to quality: Not every post is the same
A big disadvantage of the old pages was the rigid time-bound view. Each post is the same, first in, first out. Now you can attach to top posts (pins) that you want to keep the attention. For example, important calls to fans. You can also highlights indicate with an asterisk or just hide messages. Especially highlights look very good!
5. Personal and more social: More focus on interaction
The new timeline shows fans and more brands interact as mutual friends that do or should do. At least according to Mr. Zuckerberg. Nice feature is that as a fan instantly sees which friends are also fans.
6. Finally: A uniform profile icon
Your profile picture is not drawn out of your sidebar photo but you can just upload them to 180px. It seems a small thing but still I see brand profile pages with pictures where half the mark is missing. Shame of course and a good improvement!
Disadvantages of using Facebook TimeLine:
1. No Welcome page: how do I convert them?
Now most companies finally have a decent home page in each other find jobs off Facebook with it. Visitors are right on your timeline and you'll find so there must be more creatively to attract visitors to convert fans. Now the cover photo is a wonderful tool to convert visitors back but beware: Facebook makes very explicitly clear that no action on the flat cover photo tolerate. Campaigns such as' Find us fun and win" are not accepted.
2. Applications are blocked: the biggest drawback
The main disadvantage of the new timeline, I think that applications still very clogged. That's a shame because the applications Facebook just so immensely popular among companies made. I was here for a different approach selected and in the bar room for more than 1 or 2 applications. Small advantage is that you easily use the icons of each application to be used.
3. Applications get more space: 520px is suddenly very narrow
All applications that you now see on Facebook are designed for 520 px. That functions but still looks a bit clumsy suddenly off. In the new timeline, applications can be a lot wider so that there is quite a bit of white space to the application is outdated. In principle, the new design an improvement but do require a considerable adjustment for companies.
4. Adoption of users: they determine the success
The main risk is of course the adoption of users. Users have the new timeline of themselves and their friends have not yet fully embraced so why do they do directly with the brands they liken?
5. Ff scroll a lot more for the conversation begins
Finally, I find it personally a while before scrolling myself as a fan can post a message or to read existing messages. So is this new timeline really as social as Facebook itself says?
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KirtiPatel KirtiPatel is offline
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Re: Advantages and Disadvantage of Facebook TimeLine
Facebook Timeline design
The first and most obvious change is the design. Like the profile pages of users, all pages now have a large opening picture cover photo. In the immediate perception may be put down. It is not permitted to use one action to take. These are severely punished by Facebook. The profile photo is placed over it. All messages are now displayed in chronological order, in which the inside of the design at the top of messages is possible to secure it. Thus, special attention is given to the main items. Messages remain a week at the top of the timeline. It is also possible to hide messages or expand to show ('peak'). In this way can be granted to more relevant information on the page. Much useful information for designers can be found in the "Facebook Cheat Sheet Timeline 'Dream Grow. It contains all the formats described. Handy to have in addition to lying during the design!
Call to action
The menu in the Timeline version directly below the cover picture shown. To attract visitors to applications Images can be added to the left. The order of the applications can also be changed. It is no longer possible to open a Facebook page to show a direct application. If there are actions are active, and then it is practical to strengthen them with a message which is fixed at the top of the page is put. This may include a reference to the specific application.
Fan gate
The welcome page or 'fangate', which until now many 'likes' are collected, no longer exists in the new situation. All pages are to link directly, without first creating the 'I like' button to click. This requires that the page is made even more interesting, so visitors here are willing associate. When the purpose of the page is merely to "likes' to be collected, then the greater challenge for the marketers with this new variant.
The timeline allows you to do more with history. Within the world of media, for example the BBC News her Facebook page already adapted to the Timeline. This gives a good look in the history of the company.
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